Sunday 20 December 2015

The hunt for the perfect yellow

I haven't been  involved in warhammer 40k for the better part of the past decade. 6 years to be exact. In that time I have noticed that games workshop have gotten rid of the traditional white metal miniatures in favor of resin. At the same time the prices for the plastic sets have risen disproportionately to the numbers of models included. That been said the scale of the larger kits has grown in leagues. But I digress the release of the horus hersey; Betrayal at Calth has enticed the psychotic painter that was safely asleep within me to break the chains, empty the bank accounts and buy more miniatures. To bring order back to my sanity i chose to do one of the most challenging legions to paint. The Imperial Fists........

See i told you that I wasn't exactly sane. 😀

With the newly accepted challenge of painting the sons of Dorn. I set about hunting down the easiest and safest way to paint the signature yellow of the power armour of the fists. I experimented with games workshop paints Vs Game colours from  Vallejo. May the battle begin.....

Undercoating with white primer.

Base coating with a very thinned Averland Sunset.

Base coating with a thinned Heavy Goldbrown 

Side by side comparison

Tuesday 15 December 2015

And so it begins......

So i'm sitting at my painting / computer / modeling desk when a hair brained idea slams into the grey mush that is my brain. HEY LETS START A BLOG about all the games that i an a victim of.....

Well here goes.....

To make life easier for the random internet trawlers i have broken down the current menu of project madness swimming inside the before mentioned grey matter to separate pages. I will endeavor to compile work in progress updates and pictures on the correct pages.

So Far...... the menu includes the following:

  • Into the Black - My spacewalk in Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games. 

  • Not without my Chaingun and Kilt - My toss of the Caber in Infinity by Corvus Belli.

  • 8 Legged Freaks - My stroll down the Gothic Victorian streets of Malifaux by Wyrd Games

  • By the Hammer - Embark your Jack and stoke the boilers of Warmachine by Privateer Press

  • Sentinels of Terra - My Crusade to Paint a Pre-heresy Imperial Fists Legion from Games Workshop

  • Zombies were people too - They just keep coming, painting the Zombies and Heroes from Guillotine Games's Zombicide seasons 1 & 2

Well there you go. A mixed bag of flavors for everyone to enjoy. I guess we better get the encampment started. So folks strap yourselves into those game chairs and ready for the long battle that is this Menu.

And remember people 
The paints not dry.....

Wayne / Snake / Bush